Actuator Working Group

Peter Hirst, Senior Applications Engineer, Rotork
A new work item (NWI) on a Functional Safety (SIL) standard for Valves and actuators is in the early stages of development in CEN/TC69/WG1/AHG3. BVAA’s Paul Reeve, supported by members, is representing the UK’s interests and the Actuator WG are monitoring developments.
ISO 22153 Electric actuators for industrial valves - General requirements
Comments from the UK, Germany and Italy were resolved at a DIN (Berlin) meeting in May 2019. Publication is imminent. Originally adapted from EN 15714-2, CENTC69/WG1 have been asked to review the status of EN15714-2 once the ISO standard is published.
ISO 22109 - Gearboxes standard
Work continued in ISOTC153/WG1 and passed final ballot. Publication imminent.
EN 15081 Industrial valves — Mounting kits for part-turn valve actuator attachment
ISO/TC153/WG1 proposed that EN 15081 be the basis of a NWI for an ISO Standard and will apply via DIN. Already heavily referenced in Europe, an ISO version could provide benefits globally.
API revision of ISO 12490: 2011
ISO 12490 ‘Petroleum and natural gas industries — Mechanical integrity and sizing of actuators and mounting kits for pipeline valves’ was converted by API to API 6DX – ‘Standard for Actuators and Mounting Kits for Valves.’ This will be published in Q2 2020. Significant changes include advisory safety factors to be applied in sizing actuators and tables of actuator configurations (“torque” or “position limit” seating actions) for various valve types.
EN15714-3 Pneumatic actuators
A proposal to revise EN15714-3 was balloted and approved in May 2018. It is now being prepared by CEN TC69/WG1/SG10 for CEN enquiry (comments stage). SG10 have identified that harmonisation with prEN15714-5 will be required, which may delay the draft release date.
New standards - prEN 15714 -5 & -6 Linear pneumatic and hydraulic actuators
A draft of prEN 15714-5 ‘Industrial valves – Actuators - Part 5: Pneumatic Linear Actuators – Basic Requirements’ was completed but is pending harmonisation with Part 3 – Pneumatic Actuators (see above). Once completed, the next stage will be circulation for national comments. Its Hydraulic counterpart, prEN 15714-6, has completed NWI stage and comments/ballot are to be submitted by the end of February 2020.
WIB – Actuated Valves Recommended Practice – ISO new work item proposal (NWIP) WIB is an International Association of end-users of components, systems and IT related items in in the Process Industries and have created a recommended practice for automating on-off valves.
A new working group has been created, ISO TC153/WG16, to review the practice and develop a NWI draft and, assuming a positive ballot, develop an ISO standard. The practice is a complex document, in the form of advisory and technical requirements. The main areas I draw members’ attention to is the concept of “on demand correction factors” (ODCF); sizing factors added to account for process conditions such as long stand-still and medium composition (lubricating properties, temperature etc.) and their effect on torque requirements.
In addition, the concept of static and dynamic torque (operational, under prescribed process conditions) information to be supplied for sizing actuators is new and possibly problematic.
We would very much welcome members’ views on this practice - it impacts mainly on valve manufacturers but also actuator manufacturers. The RP is available from the Secretariat. Please review and pass on any comments to the BVAA. Your views will help form our ballot response to the ISO NWI proposal which is expected to be circulated by Q2 – 2020.
IOGP JIP33 – your say?
The International Oil & Gas Producers Association (IOGP) are, in the process of developing “overlays” to various valve and actuator ISO and API standards – the JIP33 joint industry programme (
The intention is to harmonise end-user specifications into common documents that are read in conjunction with the relevant standards and so leverage cost reduction by commonality. For actuators, the overlay S-707 is a supplement to ISO 12490 and has been completed.
The programme has been driven by the IOGP with little involvement of manufacturers. Overlay S-707 is available for download at We welcome your thoughts on this development.
2020 activity
BVAA experts will continue to attend CEN & ISO meetings and our WG will provide support and guidance for members who actively input into actuator standards development.
As ever, I appreciate your contributions, support and attendance in helping to maintain the influence, development and relevance of our industry in challenging times.
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