Springs made to make your seals seal

Published: 28th February 2024 | Issue 90 Share article:

Within the intricate machinery of valves and actuators, there’s one type of component that significantly influences efficiency and reliability – Springs! Typically, these are the springs that provide the necessary force for the basic opening and closing actions of the valve, and those which energise the various seals.  

At Clifford Springs, we have been manufacturing springs for more years than we care to think about and are passionate about sharing what we know about them.  

Seal energising springs are made to make your seals seal, so let’s take a look at some of their unique characteristics: 

Helical Springs

  • Very high load, small deflection
  • Perfect for compact spaces requiring high sealing forces without the need for significant deflection/compression of the spring body. 

Meander / Cantilever V&U Springs

  • High load, greater deflection
  • Unique ability to place the load very close to the seal lips, and also generate high forces over a greater deflection range. 

Canted Coil

  • Linear load, generous deflection range
  • The jewel in the crown of seal energiser springs where seal lips never need to be overloaded in order to compensate for the later life as seal lips/rods and bores wear. 

Evaluating needs around load capacity, operating conditions and space constraints is vital when it comes to selecting which spring will offer the best outcome.  At Clifford Springs, just as we manufacture different types of springs, we manufacture all of those spring types in different sizes (including industry standard sizes) and materials - stainless steels, exotic alloys and PEEK™ - so that they can do the best job possible, in the specific environment they’re needed for. 

Collaboration between the spring manufacturer, and the manufacturers of valves and actuators is crucial to optimising performance.  Working together ensures customised solutions that meet the application requirements.  It ensures that the springs are not just components, but are integral to the system’s efficiency and reliability. 

This is where Clifford Springs excels.  We are one of the few spring manufacturers in the world that can produce canted coil.  We are proud of our in-house knowledge and experience, and our collaborative approach to advising and innovating with our clients.  It’s what’s led to some great client relationships and even better products. 

Want to know more?  Contact Clifford Springs:

Tel:         +44 (0) 1527 62876

Email:     graham.fowler@cliffordsprings.co.uk

Website:  www.cliffordsprings.com 

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