Comment by BVAA CEO Rob Bartlett

All Change Please!

Published: 3rd June 2024 | Issue 92 Share article:

No, I wouldn’t dream of getting onto the topic of the General Election here in the UK, or anywhere else in the world for that matter!  I’ve been around long enough not to muddy our association’s messages with capital ‘P’ Politics.

No, I’m thinking of the focus here at BVAA.  With any activity coming up, we’re usually all in the moment and totally focused on delivering a brilliant event for members.  From the feedback, it seems members are delighted with the outcome of the recent Spring Conference for example (full story here:  The minute it’s all over however, a de-brief meeting concluded and actions completed, a figmental bell rings, and we’re rapidly onto the next events or activities.  And there’s an awful lot of them!

Indeed, having manually searched through my Inbox for something the other day, I was struck by the sheer number of pieces of correspondence that I’d had, in and outbound, in just a few hours.  Also, the diversity of topics covered.  It’s an everyday occurrence, and truly astonishing.  It’s exactly the same for my colleagues.

Having already whistled through a flurry of spring time meetings and exhibitions, we’re now focussed on delivering, in the coming months, a wide range of training courses for members and their customers, our own desktop events, plus various Future Leaders meetings and awards presentations.  Then of course there’s all the members visits across the nation, preparation for our Valveuser magazines, newsletters, unending social media, videos, technical meetings, legislation and regulation updates, help and guidance to members on a myriad of topics, and so on.

Hot on the heels of all that, is the autumn term of our scheduled courses at BVAA HQ, still more meetings, Hydrogen Technology Expo, Hamburg exhibition preparations, not forgetting of course the biggie – Valve World and our amazing group stand!  In and around that, a flurry of desktops and the not insignificant matter of organising the AGM Dinner & Ball to celebrate our 85th Anniversary – in itself a tremendous achievement.

Then it’s New Year… and the whole circuit starts again!

If this doesn’t sound like the perception you have about your industry trade association, it may be time to come along to our next event, and see for yourself what really happens!

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