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Decisions, Decisions
To those receiving this valve industry magazine for the first time – welcome. We very much hope you enjoy it, and also our Annual Review of BVAA ...
Valveuser Issue 40
BVAA’s Mad Hatters: How far can you go wearing a BVAA Hat?
Here’s BVAA’s Director, Rob Bartlett, using his BVAA hat to keep sheltered from the sun. Can you guess which supersonic jet he is ...
Valveuser Issue 39
Peter Burnett: Valve WG Chairman
The Valve Working Group at Severn Glocon was also the last chaired by Peter Burnett (Heap & Partners). Peter took over the group on Geoff Newman’s ...
Valveuser Issue 39
Valve Working Group meet at Severn Glocon
The September meeting of BVAA’s largest technical group was kindly hosted by Barry Wilder of Severn Glocon, at the company’s hugely impressive ...
Valveuser Issue 39
International Valve Standards – Setting Priorities: By Martin Greenhalgh, CEng FIMechE, BVAA’s Technical Consultant
From 11th to 14th October 2016, ISO/TC153 ‘Valves’ held a series of meetings in Tokyo to continue its work on international standards for valves and ...
Valveuser Issue 39
Future Leaders Programme: BVAA has, throughout 2016, been running a pilot programme to develop a small group of future leaders for the industry.
Identified by their employers as having the right qualities and potential to become leaders within their own organisations, this small group has been ...
Valveuser Issue 39
Aberdeen Golf Day: After a rainy warm up, the sun gods once again smiled on the BVAA’s Annual Customer Golf Day at the beautiful Banchory Golf Club near Aberdeen.
The September 2016 event was once again a fiercely fought competition, with the odd comedic moment. One of the Director’s collection of pitching ...
Valveuser Issue 39
BVAA Future Leaders Programme
For the last year, BVAA has been running a pilot programme entitled ‘Future Leaders’ and – with a second call for participants now open - BVAA want ...
Valveuser Issue 38
BVAA Conference Success!
On Tuesday 17th May, BVAA members made their now annual pilgrimage to Celtic Manor, South Wales, for the BVAA Spring Conference.
Since its ...
Valveuser Issue 38
BVAA Hosts API Meetings: In mid-May, BVAA was delighted to host four days of American Petroleum Institute (API) meetings here at our UK headquarters.
BVAA has always been actively represented on the API ‘6DSS’ and ‘6DSSX’ sub sea valve and actuators TG standards meetings, which one might ordinarily ...
Valveuser Issue 38
BVAA New Members
The following companies have joined BVAA since the last issue of Valve User Magazine:
Balluff Ltd
LK Valves & Controls Ltd
PrimoTek ...
Valveuser Issue 37
Charity Hatters
Reading Half Marathon
Susan Sanders, Russell Adamson, Colin Brown and Matt Harris of HSP Valves all competed in the half marathon together with ...
Valveuser Issue 37
BVAA’s Mad Hatters: How far can you go wearing a BVAA Hat?
Here’s keen cyclist Mike Day using his BVAA hat for some welcome shade, whilst others take advantage of a more opportune solution; but ...
Valveuser Issue 37
Auma’s Generous Donation
As part of the recent upgrading of BVAA’s training facility, and in connection with their supply of specially adapted training actuators, Auma UK ...
Valveuser Issue 37
BVAA Activities: Spring is traditionally a time for the BVAA Working Groups to meet again and 2016 is no exception.
Valve WG
The Valve Working Group met on 10th March, at the kind invitation of KT Hydraulics in Elland. As well as the usual agenda, TEG (Technical ...
Valveuser Issue 37
View from the Other Side
Chris Warnett CEng MIMechE, is president of CPLloyd Consulting Inc. (, providing marketing and applications expertise for ...
Valveuser Issue 37
‘When Oil Comes Back…’
This is the frequently quoted prelude I hear to yet another theory about how things will be in the valve industry once ‘things return to normal’ in ...
Valveuser Issue 37
BVAA’s Mad Hatters: How far can you go wearing a BVAA Hat?
Competition 1
Here’s Terry Little of Kinetrol using his BVAA hat to keep the sun out of his eyes. Can you tell where Terry is? The first* correct ...
Valveuser Issue 35
HSP Win Scottish Golf Day
We are beginning to notice some trends following BVAA’s Fourth Annual Scottish Customer Golf Day, which was held at Inverurie Golf Club, ...
Valveuser Issue 35
BVAA Technical Expert Group (TEG) On Sils Gets Underway: Members of the BVAA Technical Expert Group (TEG) on Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) met for the group’s inaugural meeting on 8th October 2015 in Banbur
We had six attendees from a variety of valve and actuator manufacturers. Due to the excellent contributions from all participants, we made rapid ...
Valveuser Issue 35