Clifford Springs: Changing the Outlook for Valves

Published: 3rd October 2023 | Issue 87 Share article:

In the ever-evolving realm of engineering and design, methods can go from being the pinnacle of innovation to obsolete almost overnight.  For example, imagine a world where all actuators or seals are designed by hand.  Every time.  Yet, for a long time, that was the norm.  Then software revolutionised design processes and sophisticated models could be created in a fraction of the time.  The accuracy and efficiency of digital design tools has consigned hand drawings to the past. 

Now imagine the potential shift in valve design, moving away from traditional ball valve seal springs to something better.  Something that does a more effective job at sealing, could reduce the size of your valves and last longer. 

It’s not a pipe dream.  It’s what happens when engineers see that canted coil can be a better option than compression springs in practically 100% of ball valve seals. 

Why Canted Coil?

The secret lies in its unique and innovative design.  The slanted coils of the spring give it a near constant force when compressed, creating a number of advantages:

  • Efficient load capacity – its design allows canted coil to carry the load in a smaller axial space than traditional counterparts.
  • Exceptional Durability – canted coil withstands the rigours of both static and dynamic conditions, ensuring a longer lifespan for the valve.
  • Consistent load as the seal wears – from when seals are new to final fully worn, the load applied is virtually constant. Compression springs gives a reducing force as the seal wears.
  • Versatility – dimensions and materials can be adapted for a variety of conditions, making it perfect for diverse applications.
  • Reduced parts count – traditional valves may use vast numbers of springs where one single canted coil would suffice.

Despite outperforming ball valve springs in practically every way, the valve industry’s adoption rate of canted coil has been slow - partly because it’s such a specialised spring.  Only a handful of manufacturers globally can make it.  

At Clifford Springs we’ve been manufacturing canted coil for many years.  And we’ve provided support and advice to businesses making the changeover.  From “spring” training sessions for teams, to working with engineers to create spring designs with the perfect specifications.  Working collaboratively with clients makes sure they get exactly the springs they need for their applications.

And, as the valve industry continues to evolve, we will continue to be at the forefront, guiding and supporting businesses making innovative strides forward and adopting canted coil.  If you want to be one of those innovative businesses, get in touch now. 

Tel:         +44 (0) 1527 62876



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